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Meditation, an ancestral practice, is often associated with the personal quest for inner peace and well-being. However, it could also play a crucial role in the political realm, by soothing tensions and fostering collaboration. In this article, we will explore how meditation can be used as a tool for political reconciliation.

Photoholgic: Photoholgic: lake surrounded by trees and mountain during daytime

Understanding Meditation

Meditation is a practice aimed at training the mind, just as fitness is a method for training the body. It has diverse and varied origins, and comes in several forms. But beyond these differences, all forms of meditation share a common goal: they aim to develop a better understanding of oneself and others, which can help in developing empathy and mutual understanding.

Origins of Meditation

Meditation has deep roots in human history. It has been practiced in various cultures and religions around the world for millennia. Although its forms may vary - from Japanese Zen to Indian Yoga - its essence remains the same: it aims to calm the mind and promote a better understanding of oneself and the world around us.

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Meditation and Empathy

Meditation can help develop empathy by allowing us to step back from our own emotions and thoughts. By observing ourselves without judgment, we can better understand our own reactions and, by extension, those of others. This can help us develop greater tolerance and better mutual understanding, essential qualities in the political field.

Kelly Sikkema: Kelly Sikkema: black and white heart print textile

Meditation and Politics

Meditation could play an important role in politics by promoting reconciliation and collaboration. Indeed, by helping individuals develop empathy and mutual understanding, it could contribute to easing political tensions.

Meditation as a Reconciliation Tool

In an often polarized political context, meditation could serve as a tool for reconciliation. By helping individuals to step back from their own emotions and thoughts, it could help them understand opposing viewpoints and find common ground.

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Meditation and Collaboration

Meditation can also foster collaboration in politics. By developing empathy and mutual understanding, it can help individuals work together despite their differences, leading to more constructive compromises and better collective decision-making.

Hans-Peter Gauster: Hans-Peter Gauster: stack of jigsaw puzzle pieces

Meditation and Civic Engagement

Meditation can also encourage more respectful and inclusive civic engagement. By helping individuals develop empathy and mutual understanding, it can contribute to creating a more respectful and inclusive political climate.

Meditation for Respectful Civic Engagement

Meditation can help foster respect in politics by helping individuals to step back from their own emotions and thoughts. This can aid in listening to and understanding others’ viewpoints, even if they differ from their own.

Franco Antonio Giovanella: Franco Antonio Giovanella: brown donut on white table

Meditation for Inclusive Civic Engagement

Meditation can also encourage the inclusion and diversity of opinions in democracy. By helping individuals to develop empathy and mutual understanding, it can contribute to creating a political climate where all voices are heard and respected.

Aarón Blanco Tejedor: Aarón Blanco Tejedor: grayscale photo of man and woman holding their hands


Meditation, though often associated with the personal quest for inner peace, could play a crucial role in the political domain. By aiding individuals in developing empathy and mutual understanding, it could help to soothe political tensions, foster collaboration, and encourage more respectful and inclusive civic engagement. Therefore, it is time to seriously consider adopting meditation as a tool for political reconciliation.

Phil Hearing: Phil Hearing: brown star hanging ornament in bokeh photography